Monday, February 18, 2013

Arguments Against the Industrialization of Education IV: Uniformity

Those who know me know how much I love to read.  I've always been a bibliophile.  In fact, when I was in fourth grade I read the 1948 World Book Encyclodpaedia, cover to cover (it was Christmas Break and I was bored...).  As a voracious reader, I don't limit myself and this has lead me to some great things intellectually.

There are 3 books I strongly urge all teachers and prospective teachers to read:
1) The Quality School by Dr. William Glasser,
2) Focus, by Dr. Mike Schmoker, and
3) Brave New World, by Aldous Huxley

The first two I consider essential works in the cannon, and I will write more on these in future posts.  But what about the third title, Brave New World?  Surely, you say, that's as antique a work of science fiction as can be, saving Verne and Welles.  What could possibly be of use to a teacher, there?  It's a warning of what a society dedicated to uniformity can be.

The world that Huxley imagined is completely stratified and directed.  There are no 'rough edges' anywhere.  Your position in life is determined in utero (no natural pregnancies here-babies are gestated in factories from genetic stock in inventory).  The world is one vast factory complex, everyone knows the things needed for their position and nothing else.  Enter John Savage.  I'll let you find out what happens.

The point here is that we are already well on our way to this kind of world.  When we decided that every student must know the same things at the same age levels we started on that journey to the Abyss.  Huxley's world demands clear cut limits and definitions, and a rigidly controlled and defined system of education.  The state determines what is to be known, how it is to be known and when.  Look at the "progress" we've made in the last 20 years.

We're 2/3 of the way to our Brave New World.

Kids are not widgets, teachers are not line workers, and schools are not assembly lines

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Arguments Against the Industrialization of Education Pt. III: Complexity and Too Many Chiefs

Consider the following scene:
You wake up in the middle of the night with severe chest pains and abdominal cramps.  Your spouse/SO either takes you to the Emergency Room, or calls an ambulance, and a team of doctors and Emergency Specialists sees to you.  You're already upset and worried, and, through this fog, a flurry of professional acronyms and vocabulary flys over and around you.  How does this make you feel?  Like a person, or like an object?

We all appreciate the need for efficiency and have developed vocabularies within our various professions to make communications more effective among pros in the field.  Indeed, there are some places like the Emergency Room where that kind of communication could mean the difference between life and death.  But is such shorthand needed for all professions?

Now think back to your last staff meeting.  Were you familiar with all the acronyms and buzzwords/terms being used?  If you weren't, how did it make you feel?  Did you feel connected, part of the team, a professional? 

Now translate that feeling to your students. 

Complexity is a matter of reality, for certain.  The Universe around us is so complex and there are so many interwoven connections that nobody, not even Steven Hawking, let alone Einstein, can keep things straight.  We as humans, while a little simpler, but still a complex mingling of Biology and Energy (read: "mind").  Misunderstandings among us have lead to catastrophes throughout history.  Simplifying communication, and teaching broader vocabulary, goes a long way to promoting understanding.  And it used to be that in Education communication was plain, straightforward, and understandable.  Let's see an example between then and now.

(Staff meeting ca. 1990)
"Good afternoon, folks.  All new teachers should meet with your 1st year coach after the meeting to see how things are going this week for you, and there's an orientation session for you tomorrow.  I understand that the 6th grade teachers have been working together to connect their lessons and designing activities for National Poetry Week.  Let's all remember our goal is the top levels of Bloom's Taxonomy, and that frequent checks for understanding will help you spot problems early, before unit tests.  The assistant principal will give a short talk on consistency in the behavior section of the student handbook.  It's important for all to understand."

(Staff meeting ca. 2012)
"'Afternoon, all.  All provisionals need to meet with mentors asap to correlate PDP with current situations, and there's onboarding with HR tomorrow.  The PLC6 group has been collaborating on PBL for NPW and coordinating LPs and unpacking for maximum outcomes.  We need to be mindful of rigor, aiming for the D Zone, and keep your FAs in line with CC so that your CAs are on target for SI goals.  The AP for Discipline will give a report on implementing PBIS.  We all need to buy into this."

If you were new to the profession, or a visiting parent, which would you understand better? 

This complexity of language is not only accepted, now, it's expected.  When we don't 'get' what's being said to us, or spoken around us, it decreases our connection and increases our anxiety.  We get the message that we don't belong, that our input is too uninformed, and that we're not part of the 'in crowd' so our views are discounted.  Yet we speak like this in meetings with parents and students.  I ask: how has the adoption and continued expansion of 'Eduspeak' helped decrease anxiety and apathy?  How has adopting these acronyms, words and terms promoted anything but increasing uniformity and decreasing diversity?

It's not just the language that's getting complex.  If your state has archived data compare the standards for your subject area from the earliest available record to the new Common Core standards.  Which set is most understandable, has room for student creativity, and promotes scaffolding?  (I know-I just used a buzzword, there, but it's one that actually makes sense-the building of concept upon concept.)  Compare the more usable one to the overly complex one in terms of language, organization, wordiness, page count, and any other effective writing standard.  How has loading more precise objectives really helped?  Are students best served with the disorganized, overblown gumbo of inharmonious concepts that 'experts' have decreed as well done and essential?  Did anyone ask you prior to publication?

Complexity has worked its way into the structure as well.  (Curmudgeon Alert!)
When I was a kid I attended a suburban school system in a typical industrial midwest area.  As I recall, the organization chart was very simple: Board-Superintendent-Accounting/Personnel/Physical Plant-Principals-Teachers/Counsellors  It worked because it followed the KISS principle, and all recognized their roles on the overall team.  Those who put themselves before the mission didn't last long.
Today an organization chart might look like this: Board-Superintendent-Deputy Superintendents for Curriculum/Grade Level/School Improvement/Public Relations/Business/Physical Plant/HR/Compliance-Principal-Asst. Principals for Grade Level/Discipline/Academics-Curriculum Officer-Counsellors-Teachers.  See the difference?  Are there more opportunities to abdicate responsibility?  More slots in the organization to practice self-serving behaviors?  In fact, doesn't this remind you more of a corporation's structure?  How do we serve our kids well by dedicating so much of the budget to the upper tiers? 

Is it any wonder that our kids and teachers become apathetic?

Kids are not widgets, teachers are not line workers, and schools are not assembly lines

Monday, February 4, 2013

Arguments Against the Industrialization of Education Pt II

I feel I owe a bit of an apology to my readers concerning my last entry.  I am, by nature, usually a very quiet man, but the topic is something I feel passionately about.  Consider the heat and emotion of my remarks in this respect.  I can be very curmudgeonly at times... .
The thrust of the previous post was Test Anxiety.  My feeling, borne out through observation, is that TA has contributed heavily to the current situation in American classrooms.  By the constant stress of 'must pass' testing, and the cycle of constant failure in some of our students, we have grown an atmosphere of apathy.  Apathy is a coping mechanism; if you don't care about something, then it can't hurt you.  What follows is that if the test doesn't matter, then neither does the class.  But many students do care, and the internal conflict that arises can also lead to disruptive situations and, eventually, to apathy.
I know that's a quick thumbnail sketch, and I don't have a lot of data from the academic literature to back this up.  What I do have is long experience, hundreds of hours of discussion, and something that is being overlooked today-instinct.  This brings me fully to Part II.
I like to watch a program on TV that highlights the adventures and process of a team of mechanical restoration specialists.  They're a good crew, work together well, and perform the miraculous with seeming ease.  Can I do what they do?  No, I can't.  I'm the kind of guy who can do simple home stuff, but if you ask me for a left handed spanner, I'll look for one.  I suppose I could go to a series of classes to learn how to do complex machining, or electrical work, and it could be fun.  Does that mean I could make a living at it?  Not likely.  I don't have the instinct of a mechanic or carpenter.  What those restoration guys do is, to me, magic (defined as a technology I don't understand).  Now look at the modern classroom.
For the last decade we've been trying to standardize curriculum nationwide.  In many respects this is admirable, but it is flawed from the start.  The expression 'too many cooks in the kitchen' is the closest I can come to what happens.  Every stakeholder wants a place at the table in designing the standards, but whose ideas do we use?  We go with a consensus most of the time, but within a committee, whose word gets the most weight?  Personal and local politics creep in, or storm in, dominance games prevail, and consensus becomes less about agreement and more about bullying.  And this doesn't happen in just one place.
The result of all this is what we have today-a mishmash of objectives, language that's either too vague or too precise, and an atmosphere that destroys creativity and promotes uniformity.  "That's great," some may say, "since we're all on the same page."  But, I ask, is everybody able to be on that page?  One of the things that made us great was our diversity in skill and knowledge.  Look back at our history carefully.  Now look at societies that have passed on.  One of the things that will doom a civilization is uniformity within the culture.  Rome prospered as long as it adopted Greek learning and Egyptian engineering.  When homogeneity was achieved, Rome got into trouble.  Don't even get me started with the last 150 years in Germany.  My point is that in every case, the society in question became too organized for it's own good, and wasn't able to meet the challenges that faced them.  The most successful economy in the world today is China.  They began to succeed only when they stepped away from Mao and embraced Wall Street and learned to accept individuality.

So here's my pondering for the day: how can we, as a nation, hope to prosper when we're using our schools as factories to produce people who all have the same knowledge, the same philosophies, and the same skills?  Don't think this is happening?  Read the new Common Core Standards.  Then read Huxley's Brave New World.
I repeat: kids are not widgets and schools are not assembly lines.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Arguments Against the Industrialization of American Education Pt. I

Well!  There's a tale or two I could tell at this point, but I'm not.
Back in August, I was all fired up about a new teaching position.  I'm no longer at that school.  I'm on job search now.  In between doing bits and pieces on "the hunt", though, I have time to keep up with my professional reading, mostly through LinkedIn groups, and looking to stir up some interest in a favorite topic of mine: Test Anxiety (TA, for short).

I believe that most of us experience at least a small amount of TA in our lives.  It will likely manifest itself in small annoying ways; getting jittery before a meeting or interview (arguably a test of sorts), maybe some physical reactions (sweating, "butterflies" in the stomach, sluggishness or hyperactivity), or even combinations of these.  You know how you feel at those times.  Now think about some of the kids we teach.

Imagine yourself in their spot.  You know you have challenges, and your teachers are doing all they can to help.  Some days are better than others, and you know what you need to do.  But always looming in the distance like a gathering thunderstorm is the inescapable ordeal of the end of year tests.  You know you have to pass them to move on with your friends, but will you know enough?

Thinking on this, I begin to understand how some of the issues we face in the classroom develop.  If we were faced with this kind of continual pressure to perform at the highest level we can conceive with little tangible reward how would we react?   I believe that many of our kids have given up.

We are currently well into the first generation of students who have known little but the testing regime since kindergarten.  We have constantly put before them the requirement of passing a major test at the end of the school year (or earlier, which presents its own set of issues), then, thanks to the wisdom of The State, have been increasingly herded into the ever narrowing box of mandatory content and style.  The published curriculum guides now include timelines and mandatory objectives within those lines.  From what I've seen and experienced first hand, these documents are poorly written and the sequencing so scattered that the very idea of scaffolding is gone, along with the ability to teach to a student's individual strengths.

Faced with the certain knowledge that so many of our students have learning issues, and that the system is, for all practical purposes, set against them is it any wonder that they give up?  Is it really all that mysterious an event that they would prefer the bread and circuses approach to avoiding reality?  Games are instant reward and make you feel powerful.  The music, popular culture, constant celebrity "news", the cult status of professional athletes all contribute to a climate of "this feels better than learning, it's everywhere I look, so it must be what's really important in life" thinking.  So, if you're not getting a concept in class, why not create your own commercial and break out in song and dance?  The movies your folks like to watch say that the only way to settle something is to fight to the death, so when that kid over there looks at you, it's OK to take him out.  Learning?  Who needs it when you already know it doesn't matter and you're going to fail anyway, and that surrender leads to a release from the anxiety.

It all starts with the fear we instill in our kids at an early age.

I'll be expanding on this topic next week.  Until then, the office door is wide open.....